Sunday, January 27, 2013

Personal Experience With Wine

First I would like to say welcome to my blog! I'm new to this blogging thing so hopefully you will enjoy what I have to say. In all honesty, I signed up for this wine course to have an easier year as a graduating senior. Some of my friends were taking the course and I thought I would join them and knock off some credits in the process. I never gave wine much thought before joining this class. That's mostly because I view the drink as an expensive, geared towards women, and looked down upon amongst most men I know. Wine is just not for me.

The majority of my experience with wine comes from church on Sundays. Its considered the blood of our Lord in the Catholic faith and is important to the sacraments. I wouldn't say I particularly enjoy wine at Mass but I don't mind it either. I drink it as part of the service and don't really think much on the taste. But its always red wine. When my family goes out for dinner on special occasions my mother will order a glass of wine. I have only seen her drink white wine. But I never really cared much to try it.

I prefer the taste of beer over anything. Its simple and it's a man's drink. But I am always open to try new things. I feel as if I would be geared more towards the taste of white wine. So this is what my focus will be on at the beginnings of this course. Anyway, hopefully those following me will enjoy my progression in the subject of wine this semester. I expect to commit completely and, who knows, maybe even come out enjoying wine in the process if not a little more cultured as well.

Until next time,
Raise your glasses

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